BOUQUET RECREATION : 8x10 Pressed Bridal Bouquet or Bout


If you didn’t preserve your wedding bouquet but wish you had, we’re here to help. Let us recreate your bouquet in a stunning dried frame. Using fresh flowers that match those from your wedding, we’ll carefully follow the same drying and design process to capture your bouquet’s beauty just as you remember it. The cost includes sourcing the flowers based on a photo of your bouquet, so please send us a picture to help us ensure a perfect match.

Our 8×10 frame is perfect if you are looking for a small simple way to remember your day or want to add on a bout to your bridal bouquet. This frame can beautifully hold between 4 to 8 blooms, depending on their size, making it ideal for capturing the unique shape, style, and flow of your bouquet. It's the perfect way to keep the memories of your special day alive for years to come.

Once you've chosen this size, simply select your preferred frame color, add your wedding date, choose a design style, and share any other personal details you'd like us to include. We'll take care of the rest, creating a timeless keepsake that reflects the beauty of your flowers and your unforgettable day.

Frame Color:
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If you didn’t preserve your wedding bouquet but wish you had, we’re here to help. Let us recreate your bouquet in a stunning dried frame. Using fresh flowers that match those from your wedding, we’ll carefully follow the same drying and design process to capture your bouquet’s beauty just as you remember it. The cost includes sourcing the flowers based on a photo of your bouquet, so please send us a picture to help us ensure a perfect match.

Our 8×10 frame is perfect if you are looking for a small simple way to remember your day or want to add on a bout to your bridal bouquet. This frame can beautifully hold between 4 to 8 blooms, depending on their size, making it ideal for capturing the unique shape, style, and flow of your bouquet. It's the perfect way to keep the memories of your special day alive for years to come.

Once you've chosen this size, simply select your preferred frame color, add your wedding date, choose a design style, and share any other personal details you'd like us to include. We'll take care of the rest, creating a timeless keepsake that reflects the beauty of your flowers and your unforgettable day.

If you didn’t preserve your wedding bouquet but wish you had, we’re here to help. Let us recreate your bouquet in a stunning dried frame. Using fresh flowers that match those from your wedding, we’ll carefully follow the same drying and design process to capture your bouquet’s beauty just as you remember it. The cost includes sourcing the flowers based on a photo of your bouquet, so please send us a picture to help us ensure a perfect match.

Our 8×10 frame is perfect if you are looking for a small simple way to remember your day or want to add on a bout to your bridal bouquet. This frame can beautifully hold between 4 to 8 blooms, depending on their size, making it ideal for capturing the unique shape, style, and flow of your bouquet. It's the perfect way to keep the memories of your special day alive for years to come.

Once you've chosen this size, simply select your preferred frame color, add your wedding date, choose a design style, and share any other personal details you'd like us to include. We'll take care of the rest, creating a timeless keepsake that reflects the beauty of your flowers and your unforgettable day.

This elegant piece is a perfect way to cherish your wedding memories and create a meaningful display in your home. Whether it's roses, peonies, or wildflowers, we preserve your bouquet to highlight its unique beauty, making it an ideal gift or personal memento.

Key Features:

  • Preserved Bridal Bouquet: Flowers are expertly preserved to maintain their vibrant beauty.

  • Customizable: We preserve any bouquet arrangement, keeping your wedding's unique floral style.

  • Timeless Keepsake: A meaningful, lasting reminder of your special day.

  • Eco-Friendly Preservation: Sustainable methods ensure long-lasting beauty.

  • Perfect for Display or Gifting: Ideal for home décor or as a thoughtful wedding or anniversary gift.

Frame size: 8x10 Inches
Bouquet size : 6x8 Inches